Technology Industry
Denison, Texas - On Top of Texas Technology
Denison is strategically positioned to be a leader in the North Texas technology industry with available properties and infrastructure ready to accommodate tech suppliers and tech development. DDA’s goal is to create a highly productive ecosystem for semiconductor manufacturing – everything from production, packaging, supply chains, materials, marketing and product development. Denison is in an ideal position to support that goal!
The Sherman-Denison MSA is Technology's Future
Denison is optimally located along US-75 and directly linked with Sherman, Texas. The Sherman-Denison Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) holds the key to the future success of technology manufacturing through its available sites, business-friendly atmosphere, and educated workforce. With the construction of two semiconductor plants, Texas Instruments and Global Wafers, Denison is ready to support the demand for tech suppliers and their needs.
Industry Inundates the Sherman-Denison Metropolitan Area
Multiple manufacturing and technology industries have made their way to the Sherman-Denison MSA. Denison is ready and capable to fulfill future tech development. The following articles are representative examples of the businesses and industry successfully making their way to the Sherman-Denison MSA.
Denison Targets Specific Industries for Growth
With the anticipated growth in the domestic semiconductor industry—especially with TI and GlobiTech in Sherman—the Denison Development Alliance is focusing its North Texas Logistics Park to attract companies with the following NAICS codes, specifically in support of fabrication, while exploring other opportunities:
- NAICS 333242 - Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing
- Packaging equipment and materials are in this NAICS
- NAICS 334515 - Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals
- Companies where fabricated products would undergo testing prior to shipping.
- Companies that manufacture testing equipment.
- NAICS 334413 - Semiconductor & Related Device Manufacturing
- Most of the wafer fabrication process.
- Assembly, Testing and Packaging services.
- NAICS 811219 - Other Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance
- Repair of equipment used in the fabrication process.
Contact the DDA today if your business falls into one of these categories!
Industrial Market
Denison has everything a growing company is looking for in our Foundation Business Park, Texoma Technology Park and North Texas Logistics Park.
Many parcels offer various attractive features and fully developed, shovel ready sites. In addition, our competitive advantage is the fact that manufacturing and distribution have been highly valued and have been critical industries in our region for decades. Numerous successful, local companies are evidence this sector of our economy is still going strong.
When any industry chooses a new location they want to know the community they choose will be pro-business and responsive to their needs over the long term. We would be glad to provide contacts for every industry/major employer in our city and urge your client to contact them for information on what they think about doing business in Denison.
Denison enjoys multiple driving access points. On the west via Hwy 289, FM 1417 and U.S. Hwy 75. On the east via U.S. 69/75. On the north via State Highway 91, FM 84 and FM 120, and on the south by FM 691. Hwy 82 is just another 3 miles farther south.
The North Texas Regional Airport-Perrin Field is located just 8 miles from the City of Denison. Additionally, Denison is located 72 miles from Love Field in Dallas and 82 miles from DFW International Airport.
Industrial / Advanced Manufacturing Parks
The Foundation Business Park sites include 3 to 20 buildable contiguous acres of land for manufacturing and distribution operations. All utilities are in place. It fronts State Highway 91 and provides direct access to U.S. Highway 75, a four lane, divided highway less than a mile from the Park. It is the busiest north/south trucking route in Texas! Current tenants of the Foundation Business Park include: 1) Florestone Products - maker of compression molded shower pans – 35 employees; 2) Spectrum Brands/Kwikset - a leading maker of door closure parts - 220+ employees.
The Texoma Technology Park is located at future intersection of Grayson County Tollway & US Highway 75 and boasts 180 developable acres with majestic views of Randell Lake and Lake Texoma. It is a highly visible location on Highway 75 and the gateway to a future 3,000 acre mixed use development on Lake Texoma. It is immediately ready for your site development plans!
The North Texas Logistics Park has ±400 acres - 160 developable - and is situated along the Oklahoma border in Denison with quick access to 15 major cities in North Texas. It has two access points off the Highway US-75, frontage access to US-75 and US-69 and quick access to east-west route at Highway 82. It has 4000 acre-feet of water per year at a maximum rate of 4.51 cfs (2,030 gpm). It is ready for your future site development!
Available Land and Buildings
Take a look at many of the available buildings and/or land offerings in our area. The amenities range from spacious land to smaller acreage lots, and the existing buildings offer plenty of unique features that fit a variety of needs for the industrial market.
Retail Market
Attention Developers and Prospects
Denison is seeking commercial developers and retail & restaurant prospects for underserved gaps in the area. Current occupancy is very high. New lease space is urgently needed for retail, restaurants, and professional services.
Denison: A Leader in the Texoma Region
The City of Denison (population of approx. 26,500) is a primary city in the Sherman-Denison MSA (population of more than 141,100).
Denison's robust Primary Retail Trade Area includes:
- Grayson County (TX)
- Fannin County (TX)
- Bryan County (OK)
- Several other locations in Texas and Oklahoma counties
- Lake Texoma
- Choctaw Casino
- North Texas Regional Airport
- Several colleges and historic downtowns
Denison's Primary Trade Area Population exceeds 220,000.
- Current consumer spending is reflected in these categories. There is room for growth!
- $453,739,686 Food at Home
- $256,055,065 Entertainment and Recreation
- $238,804,244 Food Away from Home
- $192,945,994 Household Furnishings and Equipment
- $143,462,178 Travel
- $139,405,237 Apparel and Services
- $90,590,177 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
According to ESRI Denison Trade Region Report, August 2023
Housing Starts
Building at a Record Pace
Medical Services
Expanding at a Record Pace
Retail Occupancy
Near 100%
Industrial Occupancy
Near 100%
Retail, Restaurant, and Professional
Denison has limited commercial lease space available for retail, restaurant and professional prospects! TxDOT Traffic Counts (PDF) for the Highway 75 corridor in Denison are 60,000. Record-level residential construction activity along with impressive growth and development at Texoma Medical Center is driving demand for retail, restaurant, and professional office space. Denison stakeholders have vigorously invested over $400,000,000 since 2009 (PDF) and the return on investment has been tremendous. New housing starts and multi-family development are reflections of this investment in Denison. We need retail & restaurant development to catch up!
Downtown Denison Redevelopment
(Denison Main Street District) Over 500 properties make up Denison’s Historic Downtown District. Numerous new businesses and restaurants (like 34 Chophouse, Landon Winery, Frank and Lola’s Bohemian Tacos, Green Growler, Hey Sugar, Horse’s Axe, Say When Brewery and many more) create a variety of exciting tastes and entertainment options.
See the Denison Live website for business listings and events like the Music on Main Summer Concert Series. Loft development is continuing an exciting downtown redevelopment trend with 70+ lofts now downtown. Denison Development Foundation is currently offering a 15% Matching Incentive (Destination Creation Grant) for destination developments including restaurants, breweries, distilleries, wineries, and/or tasting rooms in the Downtown Denison Entertainment District. There have been 15 Destination Incentive recipients since 2015.
Denison created Tax-Increment Reinvestment Zone #3 (The Downtown TIRZ) in December 2016 to fund an aggressive redevelopment effort. Designing Downtown Denison “D3 Streetscape” has completed Phase One and planning for Phase Two is underway. Before/After examples below:

Let's get started on bringing your company to Denison
We look forward to hearing from you. Please call our office at 903-464-0883 or send us a message through our contact page: